Did you know that the vast majority of Christians in America today DO NOT live their lives from a biblical worldview? Maybe you don't even know what that means. Let me expound on that for a minute. A "biblical worldview" means seeing the world through the lens of the Bible; understanding the word of God in such a way that all things you see, do, and say are influenced by the will and direction of God Himself.
Everyone has a worldview, we all operate in the world through some belief system. The problem comes when we fall for lies versus living according to truth. A worldview is basically truth claims about the world we live in. Listen to the following video clip from The Truth Project about the definition of worldview. The speakers are some of the greatest biblical scholars of our time: R.C. Sproul, Ravi Zacharias, Os Guinness, and Dr. Del Tackett.
Jesus said, "For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me" (John 18:37).
A pretty bold statement indeed! Jesus says if you are on the side of truth you listen to ME! Jesus also said, "I am the way, the truth and the life..." (John 14:6). Jesus is saying that he is the truth, and the only truth that is real truth is found in him.
A lot of people define truth in many different ways, there are competing truth claims all around us. Every day we have to make a decision to believe the truth as it is presented to us by the Bible, and Jesus Christ, or the opposing truth claims of other religions, or the secular world.
The sad news is that the vast majority of people who call themselves Christian today do not necessarily live their lives according to the truth as it is presented to us by God's word. The lies of the world are constantly pulling us away from God's perfect plan for life, and leading us down a path of destruction.
God has spoken the truth into every aspect of our daily living. The truth of God is not just for the church, it is for every aspect of life. Whether we are talking about science, education, sex, work, law, government, family, or the arts and media. It doesn't matter what aspect of life you are in, or speak of, God has given us guidelines and directions for how to live and operate in that area of life. If we ignore God's direction and do it our own way we are destined for disaster.
The Bible says, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way..." (Isaiah 53:6). Our nation today is running pell mell away from God, forgetting God, and doing things our own way. If we in the church do not wake up and impact our culture positively for God, with the teachings and directions of Jesus, we are in for a very dark time.
May the church wake up and become the powerful influence in our culture that God intended. Find a Truth Project group near you and get involved in making a difference: for yourself, your family, your church, community, the nation, and ultimately the world!
God Bless you as you seek the Truth!