Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pastor Roger Opens New Blog

This is my first attempt at running my own blog. I will be using it to keep you informed of things going on in my life as well as sharing spiritual truths, meditations, and thoughts about scripture and ministry.

One of the things going on in my life is the birth of...not one...but TWO new grandsons!

On December 27, 2007 Griffin Vaughn Scovil was born to our son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Leslie at McKenzie Willamette Hospital in Springfield, OR.

On January 17, 2008 Blayz Daniel Low was born to our daughter and son-in-law, Robin and Dan Low at McKenzie Willamette Hospital also.

It has been a wild ride, as Griffin had some complications after his birth with a virus that attacked his brain. It was scary at the time, but things seem to be going much better now with good reports from his doctors. He has a check up coming at OHSU on February 15. So we are all praying for a good report. God has answered our prayers thus far with the fact that he has been getting good reports on his checkups and is looking really good.

Blayz and his mother are doing good also and things are going well on that front as well.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Looks pretty darn good!!!!