Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We traveled to the Willamette Valley this past week to spend a few days with our kids and grandkids. What a joy they are. Before we went we got to go sledding with three of our grandkids up by Anthony Lakes. A very good time was had there as you can see.

In the Valley we assisted our daughter, Danielle, who was directing an auction fund-raiser to raise money for the Christian school that their kids attend.

We also got to see the two new grandsons, Blaze and Griffin, who are both doing very well. As well as our son and daughter from Albany, OR and their two kids. So all in all it was a very good trip, and we got to spend quality time with most of our kids families.

Family is so important. I have recently began a series of messages talking about the importance of marriage and family called "Desperate Households." I am calling it "desperate" because the state of marriage and families are in a desperate situation today.

God established the institution of marriage and family from the very beginning of time. Marriage and family are the very bedrock of society and culture. Without strong marriages and strong, healthy families, all of society begins to fall apart.

Over the next few weeks I will be talking about Desperate Housewives, Desperate Husbands, and other very important topics regarding how to keep our own families strong and healthy. But in order to do that we need to look to the Bible. Strong marriages and families don't just happen by accident. No it takes hard work, real commitment, and a desire to live according to God's will and direction. When we ignore God's direction and plan for marriage and family, that is when we have problems and become dysfunctional.

I pray for you and your marriage and family today. I hope that you are experiencing all the joy and fulfillment in your marriage that God has planned for you. I pray that your kids and grandkids are learning to look to God for guidance and direction for their life. When we learn to trust the Lord in ALL things, that is when we experience the abundant life that Jesus promised when he said, "I have come that they [you and I] may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

God wants us to enjoy this life to the fullest, to know all the joy that can be had from this life, and the life beyond into eternal life. Unless we know Jesus (and I mean really know him personally, not just know "about" him) we will never experience the fullness of life as God has designed it for us. May you know Jesus today, and know him personally as your Lord and Savior.

May God bless you with an abundant life!

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